

My travel recommendations are listed in this Google spreadsheet (not mobile-friendly). You should make your own copy or download it. That way, you'll be able to filter by location and/or by category: food/drink, activity, sightseeing, lodging, and entertainment.

For the places that I know really well or that people ask me the most about, you'll find a dedicated tab with my personalized guide:

And if you're curious, the Footprint page of this website lists everywhere I've been around the world.


Click here to visit my YouTube Channel.

Whenever I travel, I try to capture the trip in a series of daily Snapchat Stories (@jafriedel), which becomes a YouTube playlist:


I use Medium to blog about personal themes, ranging from spirituality to my time working at Uber from 2014-2018.

This Wordpress blog is where I self-publish articles with an international/foreign policy focus. It also has some of my college essays from when I was as an International Relations major at the University of Pennsylvania (CAS '13).


You can follow my photography on Instagram